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A new direct pathway to Australian Citizenship has been introduced making it easier than ever for New Zealand citizens already living in Australia to become Australian citizens. Although the process is now more streamlined, New Zealand citizens wishing to apply for Australian Citizenship must meet the following eligibility criteria:

Hold a permanent visa (obtained upon arriving in Australia)

  • If you arrived before 1 July 2022, your permanent visa started on 1 July 2022; or
  • If you arrive for the first time after 1 July 2022 your permanent visa began upon arrival.

Held a permanent visa for at least 12 months before applying;

Have lived in Australia for at least 4 years immediately prior to applying;

Meet general residency requirements (unless exceptions apply):

  • Absent from Australia for no more than 1 year within the last 4 years.
  • Absent from Australia for no more than 3 months in the last 1 year.

Be of good character.

Intend to live in Australia.

Be in Australia when the decision about your application is made.

For more information, you can read our detailed guide on understanding the Australian citizenship eligibility requirements.


  • New Zealand citizen children may also apply for Australian Citizenship. Special rules apply.
  • Let us know if you have children and we will help obtain their Australian Citizenship